Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stuck - End of Days

Stuck (2009-2010) was a Bellingham's broest female-fronted hardcore band. I picked this up at Yellingham last weekend, which was fucking amazing.

The liner notes explain the band better than I can, so here they are:
"Stuck is Dooger, Justin, Drew and Casey.

This EP was recorded at Mac n Mac Electric. Thanks to John Brooks for all of his hard work.

Track 1: A Gift
Track 2: Fuck You
Track 3: End of days

We started this band in the spring of 2009 to have fun and make some noise. We feel very privileged to have had the support from the community of Bellingham and the Northwest. So many friends have been made during this time and experiences shared that we will never forget.

This EP debuted at the Toy Haus during Yellingham Fest on April 17th, 2010 for our last show. The fest was created, ran, and attended by youth wanting to create excitement. Anyone can make a difference in their community."


Posted with permission!


daft crunk said...

The art isn't technically correct. Don't tell anyone.

Anonymous said...

Excellent !well tried!
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