Monday, June 25, 2007

omg omg omg omg

Against Me! - New Wave leaked and it is my pleasure to share it with you.

Against Me is a band I got into about five years ago and is one of the only bands, except maybe Jawbreaker, that has remained one of my favorite bands for this whole period so naturally I almost pissed myself in joy when I saw that this leaked today before it set in that it is probably going to suck.

"New Wave" is their first major label release and was produced by Butch Vig.

The cover is pretty sweet. I'm a big fan of wild cats as incentives to buy things. It's like a monkey but with novelty replaced with badassery. Ratatat's "Classics" was good. I also like how the "!" looks like a ":" leading you to know that Against Me! made this and it is called "New Wave" insead of looking like a mess of againstmenewwave.

The music is a continutation of where they were going with "Searching for a Former Clarity," which means there is absolutely no folk to be found and a lack of sing-a-longs. The folk is what I miss most and I understand that they might want to RAWK or something but doing that all the time is selfish. The lack of sing-a-longs may be explained by the fact that I don't know any of the words, but I also wasn't feeling any of the songs as potential future sing-a-longs.

Also there are no piano, acoustic, or horn parts. The whole album is straight power punk or whatver the proper nomenclature is. It could be one long song if you weren't paying attention.

The tracks that stand out most are "Stop," "Borne on the FM Waves," and "Ocean." Stop sorta reminds me of Aretha Franklin or Franz Ferdinand. "Borne on the FM Waves" has a girl sing on it and it's pretty good. I'm not sure who it is or I'd go oh, it's the girl from ______. "Ocean" reminds me of waves crashing on the shore and is probably the best song on the album. The first couple seconds sound like Tiger Army. Also there's this sweet part where he says "soul" and it echos for a long time. I like this one a lot.

Overall I'd give it a 10/10 for being Against Me! then subtract one each for having no folkish parts, no sing-a-longs, no horn/acoustic/piano parts, and another one for sorta sucking, giving it a 6/10 overall.

ALSO, special guest review of the video for the "White People For Peace" video by Joey:

Burn LikeA Cross (3:27:26 PM): u watch the against me video/
trashcrusader (3:27:34 PM): no
Burn LikeA Cross (3:27:44 PM): its kinda gay
Burn LikeA Cross (3:27:46 PM): lol
Burn LikeA Cross (3:28:34 PM): their turning into anti-flag
Burn LikeA Cross (3:28:35 PM): lol

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